Yassine Kodadi
Animer des équipes, c’est ma passion depuis mon enfance, réussir et accompagner des projets de transformation digitale, c’est mon expertise acquise et reconnue auprès de grands comptes et de start-ups.
Mes skills
Conseil en product management
J'aide les entrerprises dans la stratégie, la roadmap, les process et l'organisation de l'équipe product management. CPO en intérim, CPO as a service, CPO Freelance
Développement de logiciels
Je gère toutes les phases pour réaliser avec succès vos projets de développement de logiciel SaaS, d'applications, de blockchain, d'objets connectés...
Recrutement de freelance en remote
Je déniche pour les entreprises les meilleurs talents développeurs et product en remote disponibles dès demain. Accompagnement en externalisation, outsourcing
Coaching product management
Je forme et coach les product managers ou head of product. Chaque formation est adaptée à vos objectifs et à vos challenges.
I’ve had the pleasure to work with Yassine during 3 years.
Working with him and his team has been part of the success of this great project.
I would like to highlight his empathy with the customer, his level of commitment to the objective, his exigency for the quality of the solution but, above all, his leadership.
Rosa Gonzalez Conesa
It has been a pleasure work with Yassine. It is a great profesional. Great product management, great comunication skillls and amazing customer empathy! Without any doubt i would work with him again.
Xavier Perez Gallart
More than a manager, Yassine has been a mentor to me. I worked under his guidance for four years. His career path at Wynd from Project Manager to Chief Product Office is an inspiration. His unique ability to organize the working process and unite people around a vision leads to the success of all the missions that were given to him. Yassine is a determined, reliable and very proactive person who is not afraid of new challenges.